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*Indicates shared first-authorship
1. Mallick, U.B., Orrick, K., Masunga, G., Schmitz, O.J. Differentiating the Impacts of Animal Functional Guilds on Soil Carbon Storage across a Semi-arid Rangeland and Protected Area in Botswana. (In prep)
2. Mallick, U.B. Matlaga, D. Bruna, E.M. Zimmerman, J.K. Uriarte, M. Queenborough, S. The importance of disturbance: hurricanes modify the biotic and abiotic drivers of herbaceous understory plant dynamics in a tropical rain forest. (In prep)
3. Mallick, U.B.*, Masozera, A.B.*, McVey, A., Ruzigandekwe, F., Teferi, T., Koliba, C., Sanford L., Martin, A. Longitudinal exploration of international cooperation and conflict in a social-ecological system: A study of mountain gorilla conservation for transboundary conservation action planning. (In prep)
4. Mallick, U.B. Utter, D.R., Cavanaugh, C.M. Saccharibacteria express the Arginine Deiminase System consistently across Health and Periodontal Disease. (In prep)
5. Mallick, U.B., Bakermans, M.H., Saeed, K. 2021. Transforming a Liability into an Asset: A System Dynamics Model for Free-Ranging Dog Population Management. Systems 9(56) doi: 10.3390/systems9030056
*Indicates shared first-authorship
1. Mallick, U.B., Orrick, K., Masunga, G., Schmitz, O.J. Differentiating the Impacts of Animal Functional Guilds on Soil Carbon Storage across a Semi-arid Rangeland and Protected Area in Botswana. (In prep)
2. Mallick, U.B. Matlaga, D. Bruna, E.M. Zimmerman, J.K. Uriarte, M. Queenborough, S. The importance of disturbance: hurricanes modify the biotic and abiotic drivers of herbaceous understory plant dynamics in a tropical rain forest. (In prep)
3. Mallick, U.B.*, Masozera, A.B.*, McVey, A., Ruzigandekwe, F., Teferi, T., Koliba, C., Sanford L., Martin, A. Longitudinal exploration of international cooperation and conflict in a social-ecological system: A study of mountain gorilla conservation for transboundary conservation action planning. (In prep)
4. Mallick, U.B. Utter, D.R., Cavanaugh, C.M. Saccharibacteria express the Arginine Deiminase System consistently across Health and Periodontal Disease. (In prep)
5. Mallick, U.B., Bakermans, M.H., Saeed, K. 2021. Transforming a Liability into an Asset: A System Dynamics Model for Free-Ranging Dog Population Management. Systems 9(56) doi: 10.3390/systems9030056